Do you model your designing skills after this instructor?

Do you model your designing skills after this instructor?

As Instructional designers, it is important to understand the type of learning experiences you want to plan for your courses. Your ideas, thoughts and philosophies around teaching and learning play a vital role in your active selection of technology in your coursesware.  Providing students with the opportunity to utilize their skills to collaborate, synthesize information, and understand context, cultures, and communities. is the need in this 21st Century. Students today are tweeting, texting, researching, authoring, and constantly connected with each other.  By familiarizing yourself with emerging technologies, you can plan for authentic learning opportunities for students to be successful. This webquest will assist you in the processes of discovering, researching and critiquing web 2.0 technologies as you explore innovative uses for them within your learning environment.

The statement "The medium is the message" by Marshall Mchlulan stresses on the importance of the medium (print, visual, audio) and determines the way in which a message or content will be perceived. He believed that modern communication tools will change society in all aspects and alter the ways we experience the world.

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